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days until our next cohort

A 12-week sacred group program for women looking to acknowledge soul wounds and create a rich relationship with their interior spaces by reaching into the imaginal somatic experience in order to provoke the souls movement towards integration, healing, and wholeness.



One of my professors once quoted James Hillman who said,

"Maybe we fall apart for the sake of the parts.”


Have you ever considered that the parts of us that are in pain and suffering force us to fragment in order to meet them and get to know them more intimately?


Have you ever had someone hold enough space for the TRUTH of that experience in your life?

Or do they jump to FIXING you or taking away the pain before the wisdom is alchemized?


Perhaps the problem is not the pain and suffering itself, but the a poor relationship to the fantasies that we hold in regard to the pain and suffering.


If we view any struggle as abnormal, then we suffer it more profoundly, more deeply, less meaningfully.

The goal of this course is to normalize the sufferings of being a human and get into deeper understanding of the necessity of what we are experiencing.

Then, we can move into the greater myth that is unfolding in our lives. ​​


This is an inclusive journey towards soul - that is rich, empowered, connected, and meaningful.

Turning towards soul

The word therapy has origins as the Greek word therapeia, meaning, “care” or “service.”

This course is a non traditional group approach to psycho-therapeia implying the mission here is to care and serve the imaginative world of soul.

It is this attention and care to the inherent falling apart of soul that we become nourished feel more engaged and alive.


Author Thomas Moore lists a few things that soul needs:

A sense of home

Deep friendships

Casual dialogue

A poetic and metaphorical appreciation for words and images

Attention to dreams

An intimate relationship with nature

Memory via storytelling and

Objects and rituals that invoke deep meaning and creativity


Born to Heal aims to prioritize these non-negotiables of soul.


Let's face it, in our culture the things mentioned above have often been portrayed as unpredictable, too emotional, too slow, not scientific enough, useless, and most unfortunately...a weakness.


So, to make up for that, you’ve likely sought out success in the fast paced world by DOING more and unconsciously walking farther AWAY from soul.


You may choose mentors, careers, and relationships that validate your intellect, your sense of purpose, and your ambitions to feel a sense of security, direction, and success.


You see yourself doing it.


You have a family, you climb the ladder, you get the degrees or the job positions and you feel POWERFUL...until you don't anymore.


You may be asking yourself, "Okay, I've arrived. So, what's next?"


You get to the point where you focused so much on "doing" and now it feels like anything that is not "doing" holds no intrinsic value.


You  begin to feel unworthy of anything outside your material success or your achievements.


You don't know how to stop, or say no, and the guilt you feel from letting others down is gut-wrenching.

What's really happening here?

Right now, the ideas of success & achievement you thought to be true have only left you empty.

You wonder...


Why have your patterns of overdoing, striving, and perfectionism given you an impending feeling of doom?


Now that anxiety has crept up on you, why does it feel like you have a massive shadow of heaviness looming over you at all times?


Maybe you're asking...


"What is this all for? I've achieved everything I set out to achieve and I feel absolutely empty. Why?"


"I assumed that to be successful, I had to be sharp, quick, and logical and why do I feel like there is an emptiness in my heart?"


"​I misjudged the decision to play the game of life by everyone else's rules and I have deeply disregarded my own needs.

What do I need?"


"​I have gotten things done through logic and efficiency, but I have sacrificed my health, my desires, my intuition, and the trust in myself. How do I reclaim this?"​


"When I look inside myself, I do not know who is there and a deep feeling of isolation sets in."


"Why do I feel so lonely? Why do I feel betrayed? WHO AM I?"


You have gotten things done through logic and efficiency, but you sacrificed your health, your desires, your intuition, and the trust in yourself to get there.


This feeling is a realization that we have become disconnected from soul.


If any of this is sounding familiar, I'm here to tell you...



You KNOW the way you’re living isn’t working, but you’re also unsure how to actually move through the things that keep you stuck in “striving mode” and feeling unworthy:

Cultivating the Wounded Healer


What if I told you,


Maybe you aren’t avoiding the process… 


Maybe you are in a process that takes time…lifetimes in fact.


As an imperfect human, there is never a time in which we get to a point of absolute knowing.


That implies that there will be moments along the way in which we notice something about ourselves that we “should” do better or that we “should know how to navigate” and we get overwhelmed with how poorly we are navigating it.


Those are the moments, if we aren’t aware, we tend to get consumed and swallowed by judgement or we constrict ourselves into a diagnostic personality type (“it’s just my avoidant attachment style, it’s because I am a INFJ, an enneagram 8, etc).

These are the moments of rich, potent opportunity.


In those moments in which we know better and we do not do better, we must stop, rest, and notice WHAT is happening in those moments. 


That is the place where we will find the truth, we will find soul, if we can have an adequate perspective.


In those moments,

we are anxious,

we are sad,

we are (insert any inner experience here),

but most often, we are afraid of looking towards soul.

Because soul asks us to shed, to experience deaths and rebirth, to stay, to slow, and to tend.


Learning to give more attention, space, and interaction with those experiences contributes an invaluable richness to the inner process of growth.


The process then opens a little bit more. 


And we take the next baby step.


And that’s all we can do...

The content in Born to Heal is the material I implemented during my rock bottom confrontation with soul and I continue to implement and evolve as I learn and deepen my relationship with psyche.


It includes tools and skills to access your feelings and emotions, access and dialogue with the inner parts, dream tending, integration of shadows and complexes with forms of courage, compassion, grace, and acceptance, as well as practices for embodied learning.


This transformation is focused on creating movement from the victimized human to the wounded healer.

This course is meant to go deep and the material extends far beyond our 12 weeks together.


Here’s the truth:

This course is not a quick guide to fix your life’s problems, but is a deep and rich exploration of what psyche is trying to unfold and speak through you.


The work it takes to reach the restoration, flow, and richness of soul requires active faith, courage, and a whole lot of honesty with yourself. 


We are aiming for spontaneous insights and inspiration as well as psychic movement,

rather than quick fixes, answers, or explanations.

This involves patience, time, and reflection to really tend to the nooks and crannies of the soul.

But the work is worth it to...

  • ​Express yourself authentically.


  • Learn how to speak up, take up space and express and communicate needs.


  • Give yourself permission to be an empowered woman that understands her innate worthiness.


  • Make the transition from surviving to thriving, and shedding identities, roles, and expectations that no longer serve the soul.


  • Learn how to establish and communicate healthy boundaries.


  • Connect to the pantheon of your inner characters (like the inner critic) and learn how to be more kind and compassionate to yourself.


  • Nurture and create space for your sensitive inner child.


  • Find safety in your body, mind, heart, home, and relationships.


Together, you and I, as well as the community inside Born to Heal, can step into these new territories with grace -

and feel immensely supported and safe as you do so.

Image by Matteus Silva

“Honestly, investing in yourself through this course is priceless and the most rewarding. You will learn so much about yourself in one of the safest containers you could possibly imagine. Danielle has a variety of ways for you to reach out for support, it really allows you to find which way is most comfortable for you. You will be fully supported through your journey.”

— Gen

Image by Matteus Silva

“If you've been feeling like you've run out of energy, if you're feeling unfulfilled and like others are constantly draining you, this course will teach you how to have a better relationship with yourself and gain confidence and understanding around why you're doing what you're doing. Then you're given the tools and the choice to change the way you've been operating. It's absolutely worth it and it will change your outlook on life regardless no matter what level of experience you have with doing inner work.”-

— Allison

Born to Heal

The 12-week program that amplifies the spirit of relationship in order to nourish outer relationships, while simultaneously cultivating a deep, rich, and meaningful inner relationship with soul.

This puts you in right relationship to the greater unfolding of your life's story. 


What if I told you that you are a complex being made up of many parts?

You have parts that desire perfection, you have parts that are bitchy, you have parts of you that are lovable...there is so much to you and your being.


We will gently and compassionately build relationships with the nuanced realms of the unconscious through approaches called shadow work, active imagination dialogue, and dream tending.

Collectively, this will help you become aware of and be more inclusive of all parts of yourself, as well as heal and integrate the patterns that cause you to meaninglessly suffer.


Here's how it works:


We will methodically ORIENT and understand present and past patterns of behavior and fantasies.

We will compassionately CONNECT and integrate them into your everyday life.


We will EMBODY. We learn to navigate the inner and outer realms of psyche with more ease.

The Born to Heal Curriculum


Module 1: Name

Week 1: The Nervous System, Awareness, Felt Sense

Week 2: Psychological Resistance

Week 3: Relationship with Mother

Week 4: Relationship with Father

Week 5: Your Love and Relationship Blueprint

Week 6: Shadow Work & Inner Child Work

Enroll today

We begin January 10, 2022

12 weeks of recorded material ($1,200 value)


4 60-90 minute live group calls + additional time for Q&A ($2,250 value)


Access to myself and the other women in a private app for the course


Private access to Danielle through Marco Polo app to ask questions via video chat.


Lifetime access to all recordings 


Weekly guidance to help integrate the weeks content

Enrollment closes January 10th

Pay in Full


Pay in Full +
3 1-1 Sessions


Three Women

Soon, you will be sending me videos like these ladies...

Meet Erin

Born to Heal Cohort 1

“Going into it I didn’t realize I had a lot emotions that I was pushing down. I had some deep dark stuff that needed to come to surface. Danielle gives you all of the tools and skills to work through it.”


“I was able to express everything that came up and she never judged me. I was able to embrace those feelings.”

Meet Logan

Born to Heal Cohort 1

“This has given me resources to combat self deprecating thoughts and it has shined a light on the shadows that were stunting my growth."


"Now investing in myself is a top priority. "


"I encourage you to take this course, take a deep dive, and let it work for you.”

Meet Jackie

Born to Heal Cohort 2

"From the Born to Heal course I developed this feeling that I wasn’t broken, and the feelings that I was feeling, they were normal and had a reason for being there.

I have learned to set boundaries, I’ve been able to make decisions and stick to them without feeling guilty or feeling bad."


What's Included?

  • FOUR LIVE group coaching calls with me


  • Exclusive access to the private Born to Heal content in an easily accessible app that hosts the course and the community where you'll have all your questions answered within hours of posting + daily accountability from myself + the other women in the group


  • Course content (including video lectures, weekly worksheets, journaling exercises, ALL the things)


  • Weekly guided intentions/prayers led by me based on the personal struggles of the group


  • Sisterhood in a group setting where we heal together by using the power of experience and story to transmute suffering into wisdom

Imagine if...

  • you could validate your own life without the need to prove yourself to others

  • forgiveness came naturally to you and you could forgive yourself and others

  • you knew when and how to say "no," without feeling guilty

  • you had the tools to identify what you are feeling without judgement or overthinking

  • you could communicate how you feel and what you need to those around you in a compassionate way

  • you woke up everyday with less obligation to the clock and with more ease in your work and your relationships

  • you felt supported, safe, and strong enough to confront the parts of yourself that you dislike and approach them from a place of compassion, grace, and understanding​​​

  • you could reclaim your inner feminine qualities such as joy, love, creativity, and intuition

Born to Heal is

perfect for you if:


  • You struggle with perfectionism and it is keeping you stuck and small.


  • You have a poor relationship with your body.


  • You sabotage opportunities of joy and abundance for yourself.​


  • You treat others kindly, but are a tyrant and judge on every decision you make.


  • You struggle to maintain a sense of self in your relationship with others.​


  • You are exhausted and feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders.​


  • You spend hours upon hours reading books and listening to podcasts but still feel stuck in your wounds​.


  • You have a pattern of codependency and cannot distinguish between what’s “your shit” and what is “someone else’s shit”​


  • You are attracted to healing work, you are stuck in your past wounds that you are overwhelmed with the present moment.​​


Born to Heal is
NOT for you if:

I believe in full transparency and giving YOU the autonomy to choose if this course is calling you forward.

However, this may not be a good fit if...


  • You do not care to spend your time on internal work


  • You view yourself as an already HEALED person.


  • You are not open to feedback from others.


  • You are looking for someone to fix you.


  • You are not willing to do the work and take action steps towards your desires.


  • You do not believe that investing in yourself is important.


If you believe you are a right fit for this journey of a lifetime, click below to apply and get on the waitlist!


"I have learned how to reframe my thought processes and get curious as to why I am feeling/reacting/reaching for comfort and support the way that I do.

Getting the permission to put myself first to uncover what it is that I need when I get reactive or, sometimes, disengage, has been beyond helpful!

Thank you Danielle for offering the space to work through this hard thought provoking material."

Born to Heal is for the woman who’s saying, “NO MORE”






And I’m here to guide you to that freedom


Hi friends, I'm Danielle

Doctor of Physical Therapy turned integrative embodiment coach and I dedicate my life to mirroring, guiding, and walking individuals back to a life that is reflective of his or her soul's path.


I spent most of my life suppressing/repressing my needs, desires, and true passions for things and systems outside of myself. I got the degree and felt unfulfilled. 

I had the relationship, again, unfulfilled. Had the following, still unfulfilled.

Then, I finally realized that until I stopped searching outside of myself, I would never feel a sense of fulfillment. 


After a dark night of the soul, my previous business collapsing, and attaining a doctoral degree that left me feeling lifeless, I decided it was time to walk myself home.


The last few years of my life have surrounded unlearning what isn't mine, integrating what is, and stepping towards the life I desire. Healing, to me, is about actively addressing your life with an "eyes open" compassionate approach.


It requires grace, surrender, acceptance, responsibility, devotion, and a true desire to change.


I have taken the steps thus far to walk towards and embody the life that represents more ease, more grace, and more connectedness to all of humanity. 


After leaving physical therapy to pursue my true path, I have been working with individuals from all walks of life to become more embodied representations of the humans they truly want to be.


This isn't about rejecting the parts of you that you hate, it is about loving all of you and allowing more space for you to exist. It's about a more unconditional presence for yourself.


I can't wait for YOU to be one of these individuals I work with next.

Let's Do This...
You were Born to Heal

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the course?

12 weeks, but you have content access for life.
Many of the ladies repeat the course multiple times for deeper integration and the rich community. 
No group call is ever the same over the different cohorts.

  • Instagram

You can find me on Instagram @drdaniellemcginnis

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